my work

On a mission to build futuristic technology products while also educating the next generation of developers. Here's a summary of what I've worked so far.

Developer Relations Engineer

I joined early to grow the Software Engineering Insights module and our developer community. I lead our Developer Relations team to teach our community about our products.

  • In 2022, I joined Harness as a Software Engineering Intern (Community) for the Harness CI module. We translated customer insights back into the product roadmap. We led the PLG motion at Harness focussing on contributing back to the open source community. We spoke at conferences, wrote blog posts, and created white papers, case studies, videos. We built open-source examples and contributed back to the product.
  • In 2023, I was promoted to Developer Relations Engineer, now also leading the product-led-growth effort for the SEI module. I built and maintained the Propels automation framework and spear-headed AI powered customer support using the Harness AIDA model.

Since I joined in 2022, I have built and maintained custom Drone CI Plugins and Spotify Backstage plugins for Harness CI (Nexus, GAR etc) and IDP. I also led the development of the Harness AI Pipeline Studio a wrapper application on gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 model of Open AI using Pinecone and Langchain to generate Harness Next-Gen pipeline YAML using user prompts


Developer Relations Engineer - Internship (2021-2022)

Commudle is a platform for facilitating engagements between DevRels and developers. I joined the founding team of Commudle and built the Developer Experience team. Since I joined Commudle, the active developers in platform have grown exponentially, now at 82,000 developers with close to 260+ communities.

  • During my internship I engineered and executed the product-led growth strategy for the Commudle platform.
  • We organized meetups and virtual live streams on DevOps topics like Docker and Ansible, educating developers about the Commudle platform.

My Equation

Machine Learning Engineer - Part Time (2020-2021)

My Equation is a startup in India focused on STEM learning. I joined the team as the founding Machine Learning Engineer (part-time) to drive key initiatives related to ML research, including building services to scale their consumer offerings. My contributions included:

  • Developed a recommendation engine for consumer services, using data preprocessing, training, and evaluation utilities. Pre-trained on a large internal text corpus with strategies like masked language modelling (RoBERTa) and latent representation prediction (Data2Vec).
  • Built a framework for training attribute extraction models to extract web attributes such as course, price, and description from product web pages. This significantly reduced the need for writing custom wordpress wrapper plugins.

Azure Skynet

Machine Learning Engineer - Internship (2020)

This was my first tech internship experience. I joined the Azure Skynet team in June 2020 for a three-month internship. During this time:

  • I built and deployed custom machine learning microservices on Azure VM infrastructure, using Kubernetes, Docker, TensorFlow.js and web middleware technologies.
  • Deployed and managed services in BentoML and SciML.